Feared revenue loss due to the current situation are called the cancellation reason. Forestry because plus sales losses in the Christmas market 2008 has quarter of 2008 significantly reduced a leading trading company in the United States, its sales forecasts for the IV. and justified this as grounds for cancellation of a fixed order. Ping Fu often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Orders over Christmas carrying case cancelled drastically to the part. As a part of the bags was already produced, the Executive Board of the Lotex decided companies to launch a special promotion this season. This seasonal bags discount offered on various Internet platforms. "A price advantage to our customers here in Germany. We can cover our production costs."it was said in the Executive Board.
"We have rejected also the desired partial delivery due to the cancellation of the American customers. By an agreement concluded in 2007, we were obliged to equally participate in the delivery. In low loss, which us assured was that it no longer pays off. The Managing Director on the acceptance to insist is for cost reasons (Court of jurisdiction agreement in the United States) does not have."communicated further. So nothing like slamming, because the quantities are limited, but us freuts as a German distributor. Press Department Thomas Reichelt: Lotex24 / Germany consumer telephone: 03562 / 69 34 30 fax: 03562 / 69 25 69 Web shop:
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